Friday, February 26, 2010

Let's Play Catch-Up Shall We?

Hello fellow bloggies! I know each of you are on the blogosphere for different reasons, and frankly, I'm flattered you stumbled upon my blog. I've been a frequent blog reader but have never had my own blog. My parents always told me that I talk alot so even if nobody reads this at least I can talk, errr....type it out. So without further ado let me catch you up to where I am at this point in my life.

  • Married in 2006 to my A.mazing husband.

  • February 2009- Stopped the pill because while we weren't actively "trying" there was no reason to be on the pill. Plus, I new that it takes some women time to get regular after the pill and I wanted to be ready when we decided to get in the baby making game.

  • June 2009- Still no sign of my period. See my OB-GYN and she puts me on Provera to try and trigger a period. Yep, nothing.

  • July 2009- My OB-GYN thinks a little estrogen might kick things off. She puts me on Estrogen + Provera. Hmmm.... Still nothing.

  • September 2009- OB-GYN refers me an RE (Reproductive Endcrinologist).

  • October 2009- Dx with PCOS and given my first treatment regimen to start taking when hubbs and I decide we are ready and have the time to focus on getting preggers.

  • December 2009- We are READY!

  • January 2010- Take Prometrium to trigger a period but don't get much of a response. Start taking the middle dosage of 100 mg. on "CD 3-7". CD13 u/s shows 2 mature follies 18 & 24 mm. Lining measures a 9. Yay! Give myself the trigger shot to induce ovulation. Do the baby dance with hubbs for three days. Outcome = BFN.

  • February 2010- After a clear baseline u/s move to Femara and hope for a good response like Clomid but less CM issues. CD 13 u/s shows no mature follies. :( Go back for a CD 16 u/s and one grew to 22 mm, lining a 7 (not great but decent). YAY! Give myself my trigger shot and baby dance. Outcome = ?!?!?

So, that's where I am now, cycle number two. On day 2 of my two week wait and 2dpo. I have no expectations at all. If this cycle gives me a BFP that would be wondeful but if it doesn't then I'll move on to whatever comes next. God has a plan. I'm just waiting to see how it plays out.

I'd love to hear from any of you that are in a similar situation. Toodles bloggies. :0)